Videography and Film

The Cold Eye (My Darling, Be Careful), 1980, 16mm 90 min, B&W,  Director: Babette Mangolte. Producer: Babette Mangolte. Screenplay: James Barth. Cast: James Barth, Power Boothe, George Deem, Kim Ginsberg, Maggie Grynastyl, Saskia Noordhoek-Hegt, Valda Setterfield, Ela Troyano. 

The Cold Eye at the 12th International Forum of Young Cinema, Berlin Film Festival, 1982

Ten Films by Stuart Sherman, 1987, 33 minutes. Package includes Golf Film. Camera: Adam Zucker, Mark Daniels; Animation: Joey Ahlbum; Editing: Mark Daniels; Voices: Scotty Snyder, Bob Fleischner, George Deem, Julia Heyward, Stuart Sherman. 1982. 16 mm, color/so, 50 sec.

Kimbrough, Calvin. George Deem: A Conversation. Documentary video portrait produced and distributed by the Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Indiana, 1993.

“The Private Life of a Masterpiece: Vermeer’s Art of Painting.” Produced by BBC and broadcast on BBC2 in the United Kingdom, 2005.

Gertrude Stein's The Making of Americans - YouTube