Signed twice, inscribed Left Courtyard looking East and dated 83
Provenance Provenance: Jacques Vellekoop Collection, London. Purchased by Jacques Vellekoop from the artist, September 1983.
Jacques Vellekoop (deceased). Last known address: Flat 4 - 70 Addison Road, London W14 8JG.
About (1983) George went to San Francisco at the invitation of a man named di Socebran who worked for Gordon and Ann Getty so that George could make an on-site study for a proposed series of murals for the Getty house. The project was not realized. Jacques Vellekoop was a dealer in rare books who served as an adviser to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles on the acquisition of rare books by the Getty. Vellekoop acquired one of George's designs for the mural project for Ann Getty. I don’t know what happened to the rest of George’s studies for this project. They may have stayed with Ann Getty. (Ronald Vance, email to Pavel Zoubok, January 5, 2010).