
| Work

Indirect Painting

Date: 1979

Indirect Painting
(In June 1979) I was in Evansville, Indiana, for the opening of an exhibition of my work at the museum there, and a week as artist-in-residence. … I paint thinner all the time, and worked with the students I had in Evansville to demonstrate the method and give them practice in it. One of them told me she had never taken a painting class in which the supplies were so cheap. They spent four days of the six days I worked with them working in monochrome, then glazing white over that. The last two days I allowed them to use color, but only primary colors, burnt sienna, raw sienna, and ultramarine blue. I think it was a rewarding exercise in indirect painting for a lot of the students. All of them worked from a photo of a painting in the Evansville Museum’s collection, a seventeenth-century painting, by Teniers.

Letter to Margaretta Gilboy, July 17, 1979