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Allan Stone Projects Bricks Dance Destroyed Works Drawings Easel Painting Estate of George Deem Fifteen Oil Paintings Frames George Washington Location Unknown Mail Art Mayakovsky New Britain Museum of American Art Paragraphs Place Mats Portraits Promised Works Rugs Schoolroom Drawings Schoolrooms Self-Portrait Student Work The Art of Painting Untitled Vermeer Woman in Blue Submit | order by
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A Painter's Note Book 1992 |

A Painting for Babies 1962 |

A Painting for Babies 1970/1980 |

A Painting for Libraries |

A Picture of a Portrait of Lady Dufferin |
A Public Painting |
No Image Available

A Rembrandt for Franklin Page |

A Royal Drawing (Velazquez) |

A Stool, A Chair, and a Map |

A Stool, A Chair, and a Map (Study) |

A Working Painting (Manet) |

Abraham Lincoln |

Abraham Lincoln Place Mat |

Achievement |

Actual Size (In Progress) |

Actual Size Vermeer's Lacemaker |

After Corot |

After Degas |

After Guardi |
After Ingres |
No Image Available