George Freedman and Scottish terrier Acray Duncan,
Neville Marsh and Scottish terrier Clair Innes Desmond.
The Music Lesson, c. 1662-64, The Royal Collection, London.
A new drawing: George Freedman and Neville Marsh in summer shirts and walking shorts as photographed at Danesbank, their farm south of Sydney, the two figures placed in the room in Vermeer's The Music Lesson. I sprayed Danesbank Vermeer with a mixture of acrylic emulsion and water to seal the pencil drawing. I will spray this drawing at least four more times. Danesbank Vermeer: After first spraying with re-touch varnish, I am applying white titanium oil paint over the varnished pencil drawing. (George Deem, "Extra Genre" WhiteWalls: A Magazine of Writings by Artists #6 Summer 1981 pp. 5, 7, 22)